Your comments
Nope! We crop and resize those as well :)
Joe Hansen
Director of Solutions Support
Blox Digital
A couple of additional notes:
The "hi-res" field gets populated when an image is above a certain threshold, otherwise you can simply open the preview in the asset editor main area, right-click and save as. The threshold for what generates a hi-res instance is set in Editorial->Assets-> Settings panel (gear icon in upper right). Asset Settings -> Hi-res threshold settings. We typically recommend 1100 x 1100 here, but you could go smaller if you want. Any image with a width or height exceeding that value in pixels will generate a hi-res. Otherwise, if below, then the "full" image will be served in the preview window of the asset.
@Jesus - We recommend uploading hi-res images. We have our own image proxy/CDN system that will convert the image and generate the required sizes and formats for the device. Based on a number of factors, images may be served in jpg or webp, whichever is smaller. Sometimes webp does not actually save any filesize and it will stay in jpg. Network-wide we are averaging around 40% webp. When images are served on the front-end, we auto-size an crop the images for the container they are being served in and viewport, passing about 8 different sizes for each image in a source-set attribute on the image tag. This lets the browser select the most appropriate size for the rendered size. This also keeps bandwidth as low as possible.
Joe Hansen
Director of Solutions Support
Blox Digital
Are you downloading from the website or in the admin?
The easiest way to access the full res image is to open the image in the asset editor, navigate to the "Other" tab, then you will see Miscellaneous. At the bottom is "hi-res image". Click the view button, which will open the full original image in a new tab.
Joe Hansen
Director of Solutions Support
Blox Digital
Social account connections can be updated from the Notifier application (blox menu -> Community -> Notifier), then open the settings panel (gear icon in upper right to the right of your "signed in as").
Look for the "Social accounts" panel. Remove the existing connection, then re-add the new one. You'll need to be able to log into your X account in the same browser with the account you want to connect.
Joe Hansen
Director of Solutions Support
Blox Digital
There has always only been one required field, the headline. The only requirement regarding SEO Headline was that the headline be less than 63 characters in length. If it was over that, you would have gotten an error, but it's never been a required field.
There is no way to set required fields with Blox CMS.
Joe Hansen
Director of Solutions Support
Blox Digital
Generally for these types of things you'll need some sort of "middleware" that will do the actual scraping and storage of data. That could be done with an external hosted webserver where you have your own code running that does the scraping and storage that then provides an endpoint that your frontend javascript can use to access the data. An alternative is the /app environment in Blox (
Your front-end JS would do a fetch to this middleware and either just get all data back, or maybe pass parameters like sport and then get a curated set of data back which would then be used to populate your data tables.
At least that's how I did similar things before I came to work at Blox Digital :)
Joe Hansen
Director of Solutions Support
Blox Digital
Jim, this should be enough as long as your folks provide all of this in the support ticket, along with at least two sample images from both cameras, clearly labelled. Then we can try to figure out what is differnet.
Joe Hansen
Director of Solutions Support
Blox Digital
There should be zero difference as the processing happens in the blox software. You could try uploading with chrome and see if it makes any difference, I don't have access to safari, but it should make zero difference. Possibly if you were on mac and I'm on pc maybe there is an internal conversion of the iptc metadata, but that's not something I know about.
Joe Hansen
Director of Solutions Support
Blox Digital
It looks like you are using our hosted environment (not a Total CMS appliance) so those are all at the "current" version since it is a web application. So no version differences. Its very strange that you're using photo mechanic to process both sets of camera images and there is a difference. Unless photo mechanic preserves the original image iptc format somehow.
I did some googling and it seems like you can edit the format used by the camera.
Have you played with changing that?
Joe Hansen
Director of Solutions Support
Blox Digital
Customer support service by UserEcho
Please submit a ticket to our customer support at for all support-related issues.
Joe Hansen
Director of Solutions Support
Blox Digital