Your comments
Sort of. I use a PHP script to pull a list of subscribers/users then loop through that to download the individual subscriber information. Pulls about 1000 entries every 3-4 minutes, but I get everything about them that way. I don't run it often, but when I need a complete list, this is how I do it.
I found a way, using the API calls. When you pull a user account info, it has a "custom" array that has your custom items in it.
Based on the response to you passing this along to your tech guy, neither is he. Using an iframe like this:
(iframe src="")(/iframe) will create a secure (to the browser at least) content connection to the target site. Even if my URL is and I di that, it is still secure to the browser. In this case it has nothing to do with Godaddy, or Townnews.
Townnews may do some sort of referrer checking at which point they may block access. That is a different issue though.
So... Just to clarify, your new domain is and you want to pull in content from TownNews (say then you would use on the site (substituting the proper brackets):
(iframe src="")(/iframe)
Now, this is frowned upon, since Townnews is in business to host sites, the more appropriate method is to create a HTML block on your Townnews site (as used above, and put in the iframe code like this: (iframe src="")(/iframe) and host the main site at townnews.
Secure has nothing to do with DNS other that the Secure cert needs to match the content site information. The technology will work either way. Policy and Contracts is what will stand in your way.
FYI: I work for our paper, and an Internet Service Provider that does hosting. I deal with these things daily.
Interesting. If your "browser" is saying insecure then somewhere you have a "http://" instead of a "https://". That has nothing to do with Townnews.
As for the iframe, are you trying to wrap an entire page in the iframe, or just a "section" so that you can include information from elsewhere on your page?
depends on the crawler. More than likely, it will.
It will depend on if the crawler knows what the target site is, and if they deduct value for such things.
If you use an Iframe tag, on to include you can do it. That is the only way I know of without server-level access.
We would need it broken down by Race, Candidate, and Precinct. We also need a way to denote National, State, County, and smaller/other groupings. We show each precinct's vote count, then total by Township, city, County, and State, depending on how wide-reaching the Race is. For School-related votes, or Ordinances, they tend to stop at the city or County level. If you want to see how ours lays out, we Frame-Include our old system on out elections page at . This is not behind a paywall, so should be available to anyone wanting to see how we did things.
For example:
Race: President
Type: National Election
Fred Flintstone (D)
Barney Rubble (R)
George Jetson (L)
Precinct, County, State each showing totals for that breakdown based on Precinct, Township/City, Counties (that we cover), and State.
the <span class=""> works, but requires a constant editing of each link for 'specials' and such. I was hoping for a class field for links, just like BLOX does for each block. This would allow us to fine-tune it with predefined classes. Ticket opened over this has been answered and classes added. We still have to use the <span class=''> tags but it does help cut down on the code needed updating each time we change a link from one type of highlight to another.
So far, all of the ads we have seen have been on iOS for us. One of them have included potential malware (no idea if it would work on iOS, AV caught it first). This needs looked into with haste please!
Customer support service by UserEcho
I use a function to grab all info for a subscriber. I loop through all of our user, pulling each in and check their custom variable (in my case circid). The function that pulls in a specific user pulls in all information, subscription, login, services, etc. I use it for any user information lookup I need so it is fairly generic. Once you have the screen name, or email address as a search item you can then pull in their entire record and check any of the fields you want. Just remember that you have to check for a "lack of variable' when looking at custom values.
The code below is old, and was used while I was testing and learning the Townnews API. Bug are mine, but this code does work in 90+% of the time. Error checking was at a minimum at this point.
Call to function:
Check for 'customer' field (circid is an internal customer id number for one of our tools):
if(isset($sub_arr['custom']['circid'])&&$sub_arr['custom']['circid']!=0) {
//do doemthing
} else {
//do something else
function get_user_info($user_id) {
//$user_id == screenname or email address
if(!isset($result_arr['error_code'])) {
} else {
//handle error condition
$user_arr['message']="Error detected. Error is ".print_r($result_arr['error_code'],true)." \r\n";
foreach($serv_arr as $service_id) {
if($service_id>0) {
for($i=0; $i<100; $i++) {
if(!isset($resultserv[1])) {
foreach($resultserv AS $item) {
if(trim($item['user_uuid'])==trim($user_arr['id'])) {
if(trim($item['id'])!= "") {
} else {
}//end if(trim($item['user_uuid']...
if($result_arr['is_admin']==1) {
$user_arr['services'][99999]['name']="Admin access";
if(isset($user_arr['service'][0]) && is_array($user_arr['service'][0])) { unset($user_arr['service'][0]); }
return $user_arr;