
Remove image titles

Sean 9 years ago updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 3
Apologies if this was answered elsewhere; I looked but found nothing.

Is there a way to prevent image titles from appearing on the site? Hardcopy newspapers don't include titles for each photo on a given page, so I'm wondering if there's a way to preserve that look on the website — to just have a photo with a cutline, and no title.


We had that issue. I just went in the stylesheet and added this:
#blox-story-photo-container h3 {display:none;}

But you have to have style template access. If you don't you can get customer support to add it. Just submit a ticket.
We had that issue. I just went in the stylesheet and added this:
#blox-story-photo-container h3 {display:none;}

But you have to have style template access. If you don't you can get customer support to add it. Just submit a ticket.
Under review
Yep, thanks Nick!