
longview presentation - cutlines

Maunette Loeks 10 years ago updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 1
I like using the Longview presentation for what we call our "Lifestyle" pieces.
However, if you pull the photo into the copy, you lose the cutline. Is there a photo presentation option I can use to keep the cutline working? I've tried showcase, but of course, it moves it to the top of the page.


The cutlines are there, you just need to click on the photo to see it. We did it this way because sometimes cutlines are so long that they cause a huge break in the story that it is distracting.

However, I'll see if there is a way we can 'hint' to the user that there is more if you click on the photo. Maybe it needs to do something on a mouseover or something...

The cutlines are there, you just need to click on the photo to see it. We did it this way because sometimes cutlines are so long that they cause a huge break in the story that it is distracting.

However, I'll see if there is a way we can 'hint' to the user that there is more if you click on the photo. Maybe it needs to do something on a mouseover or something...