
Webinar: Focus on (SEO)

anonymous 10 years ago updated by Joe Hansen (Product manager) 2 years ago 3
At this month's FREE webinar, we'll discuss ways to ensure that your BLOX CMS site and content are search-optimized. Topics will include:

  • Search-friendly configuration of your BLOX CMS site
  • Using sitemaps with Google Webmaster Tools
  • Making sure your content is properly tagged
  • Juicing your SEO results with social media
Ready to boost your site's search performance? Tune in on Thursday, March 5th, at 10:30 AM CST to learn how!

Sign up today!

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Tyler, yes this is still available (though probably a bit out of date considering it was 2015) on our TownNews.com site.


TownNews Senior Solutions Team Lead

Was this recorded? I'm new to the newsroom and would like to learn the SEO capabilities of Blox.


Tyler, yes this is still available (though probably a bit out of date considering it was 2015) on our TownNews.com site.


TownNews Senior Solutions Team Lead