
Article personality

Maunette Loeks 10 years ago updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 4
OK, so I missed this section in the webinar because I was having difficulty logging into the webinar. 
How do I get the author to show up above as it shows in the documentation? Do I put the author byline in the "author" section? I've tried byline and tagline, have an image of the author, but it doesn't do it, so I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong. Thanks for your help!


Hi Maunette!

The author needs to have a user account, be assigned to the story as "author," and the account should be filled out with their avatar, bio, etc. If they fill out their Twitter and Facebook, those will show up as well. 

Then, of course, you need the "presentation" mode set to "personality."
Hi Maunette!

The author needs to have a user account, be assigned to the story as "author," and the account should be filled out with their avatar, bio, etc. If they fill out their Twitter and Facebook, those will show up as well. 

Then, of course, you need the "presentation" mode set to "personality."
Thanks, I saw your reply a while back and am now just getting back to this.
Is there a way to use it if I am not the author? Typically, the reporters do not upload the stories but content managers (myself and others) do. 
I would love to see this feature use the Byline instead of Author section. This would be especially useful to add more info for a reporter contact, etc.
You have to use the author so that it is an account with an avatar, biography, fielded data, etc.

However, when you're placing a story, you can change the author to match the byline (it doesn't have to be the content manager).