
Facebook Instant Articles

Paul MacNeill 9 years ago updated by Robert110 5 years ago 4

Following up on Rob Weir's question, but with a Facebook focus. A Wordpress plug in was just announced making it easy for all publishers to access instant articles. Does TownNews have a plan to quickly match this?



Yes! We have already built the integration in fact. We haven't yet announced it because we'd like to have a customer go live with it to make sure it works properly and there are no issues. If anyone has a Facebook account that is approved for this, let me know, since it is still technically in beta on the Facebook side. =)



Satisfaction mark by Paul MacNeill 8 years ago

Yes! We have already built the integration in fact. We haven't yet announced it because we'd like to have a customer go live with it to make sure it works properly and there are no issues. If anyone has a Facebook account that is approved for this, let me know, since it is still technically in beta on the Facebook side. =)



You know I'm always interested in experimenting with new Blox stuff, Christine.

Hi, Do you still need someone to help test your FB instant articles integration? I would be willing to help if I can. I'd also love an update. Thanks!

Hey there,

We are trying to set up a live example, but in our first test there was an issue that we need to resolve before it will work. Once I have that I'll let you know. It should only be a few days. The first version is only on Flex, by the way.