Under review

Related News artciles on Marketplace Listings

Sarah McCraley 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 2

We relate funeral home marketplace listings to our obituary article assets. The business is related as a parent to the article.

The obituaries display with the businesses marketplace under the news tab, but they display with the oldest listing first. Is there a way to have the news articles display in order from newest to oldest?


Under review

Hi Sarah,

If you're relating these obituary articles to the business you can also re-order those assets per business under the Related tab to accomplish your preferred order. Hope that helps!


Under review

Hi Sarah,

If you're relating these obituary articles to the business you can also re-order those assets per business under the Related tab to accomplish your preferred order. Hope that helps!



Yes, I understand we could do that but we have ALOT of funeral homes with related obituaries within the news tab and that is just not feasible to do every time we have a new obituary. It would be nice if there was a custom property for the news tab that would reverse the display.