
Static WYSIWYG Block (Flex & Email)

Andrew McBride 9 years ago updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 2

I would like to request a static block similar to "text promo" or "promo" that would include a WYSIWYG editor. This would be very handy for building emails or other static content pieces.

I was told you guys are pushing more towards static for these types of things instead of creating unnecessary assets that are being indexed and html is just not as easy for bulleted list, text formatting etc

Thank you.



Hi Andrew!

This morning we released our latest major version of the BLOX Core CMS, which has a new "HTML" block type. This way, you can use it to create HTML snippets, without creating HTML assets. We do not recommend that you create HTML assets for non-content items.

Here is some more information about this, including recommended uses and details on data normalization:


Let me know how this works for you use cases! =)

And if you would rather us use assets and say the "full article" block, can you please add an option in the block settings to decrease the headline size of the headline. It's huge by default.


Hi Andrew!

This morning we released our latest major version of the BLOX Core CMS, which has a new "HTML" block type. This way, you can use it to create HTML snippets, without creating HTML assets. We do not recommend that you create HTML assets for non-content items.

Here is some more information about this, including recommended uses and details on data normalization:


Let me know how this works for you use cases! =)