Webinar: Turn your data into dollars with TownNews.com iQ

anonymous 10 years ago 0
Don't miss this month's webinar! We will be giving a sneak peek at our all-new data management program, TownNews.com iQ!
TownNews.com iQ gives you the power to segment your digital audiences for use in advertising, editorial, circulation and marketing--at an affordable price!

Media sites of all sizes can now take advantage of the same revenue- and audience-building tech that was once reserved for the 800-pound gorillas.

Image 81Topics will include:
  • Tracking users & collecting data across computers, smartphones and tablets
  • Boosting revenue while thrilling advertisers with targeted programmatic campaigns and direct local ad sales
  • Improving visitor satisfaction by analyzing preferences and recommending content that matches users' unique tastes
Ready to turn your data into dollars? Join us on Thursday, July 9th at 10:30 AM CDT.