
Join us | What's new in the Content Exchange

Cherry Wolf (Marketing specialist) 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 1

Join us on March 2nd @ 10:30 AM CST

What's new in the Content Exchange

At our March customer webinar, Tim Turner, Content Exchange Program Manager, at TownNews.com, will share lessons learned and best practices to help you get the most from this FREE program. He'll also give a preview for what is coming in 2017.

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Topics will include:

  • Tools and best practices to help you reap the benefits of the Content Exchange.
  • Data insights to show you what content is most- and least-effective in building traffic and audience.
  • The latest third-party content partnerships.
  • Client success stories to help you understand what content strategies are working for other sites.
What can the Content Exchange do for you? Join us on March 2nd at 10:30 AM CST to learn more.


Click here to watch the webinar about what's new in the Content Exchange.