Under review

Integration: Apple News and Google Play News Stand?

Caleb Peronnet 7 years ago updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 1

Hey there!

We recently launched our website in February, and while it's still relatively simple in design, we're always working on integrating new technology in order to stay ahead of our competition; however, two of the integrations I'm still having problems with are Apple News and Google Play Newsstand. 

I have searched the Town News help database and forums for guidance, yet I consistently come up short.

While in theory I could publish an RSS feed (which is another problem in itself) to Apple News, I have heard mixed results of success unless you're publishing in ANF — the format Apple is essentially requiring for any sort of success. When it comes to Newsstand, I simply don't know where to begin on the BLOX end for integration.

Could someone please clarify as to the status of these full integrations. Have they actually been released but not updated in the help guide, still in development, or scrapped entirely?


Under review

Hi Caleb!

I'm sorry you were having difficulty with the documentation. This was up there before, but I'm not sure if it was removed, or what. I will alert our documentation team. =)

But, I can give you some updates / instructions to try to help you out in the meantime.

For Google Newsstand, we do indeed have a special feed for that. It is essentially just an RSS feed with an additional altf=google_newsstand parameter. Like this:


As for Apple News, we have been working with some beta customers on a test implementation of this, to try to learn about the format and all the caveats (there are many thus far). We are still planning on doing a native integration this year, but it got shuffled around a few times and we have been delayed. It is still on our roadmap though!

I hope this helps! Thanks!

Under review

Hi Caleb!

I'm sorry you were having difficulty with the documentation. This was up there before, but I'm not sure if it was removed, or what. I will alert our documentation team. =)

But, I can give you some updates / instructions to try to help you out in the meantime.

For Google Newsstand, we do indeed have a special feed for that. It is essentially just an RSS feed with an additional altf=google_newsstand parameter. Like this:


As for Apple News, we have been working with some beta customers on a test implementation of this, to try to learn about the format and all the caveats (there are many thus far). We are still planning on doing a native integration this year, but it got shuffled around a few times and we have been delayed. It is still on our roadmap though!

I hope this helps! Thanks!