
Video cover art

Ryan Dorgan 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Nicholas farnsworth1 5 years ago 5

Would love to be able to feature short video clips/loops or even gif files as cover art to be used in the longform presentation. Would this be possible?

Would still love to be able to feature short video clips/loops or even gif flies as cover art to be used in the longform presentation.


Is this the sort of thing that you're looking to do https://lancasteronline.com/news/local/what-s-the-most-dangerous-road-in-lancaster-county-here/article_5b2bed78-f3f8-11e8-bfe3-2b2c88e012a3.html ? If it is, we did it with some css, an html asset and a gif. I'd be glad to share our html code with you if you would like it. It's set up so that you include the html asset in any story, then put a div in the article body that contains the image for that article. That way we could reuse it although I don't believe we have used it for anything other than this article.

Thanks for the reply, Maureen. That's exactly what we're looking to do - would be great if there were functionality within Blox but some code will do the trick for now. You can email me at photo2@jhnewsandguide.com. Much appreciated!


I just sent you an email with the code that we used for this. If you have any questions about it, let me know.

I agree 100% that it would be great to have the ability to do this built into the system.

Hi Maureen,

I think this is awesome!  Can you share the code with me as well? nfarnsworth@fltimes.com