Expanding calendar email notification link

Rachel Minske 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 6 years ago 2


We would like to expand the 48 hour window for email links for user-submitted calendar events. Currently, our calendar admin receives an email notification to approve or deny an event (something that we'd like to maintain control of, as we get a lot of submissions that don't fit for the calendar). The link expires after 48 hours and our calendar admin must make a point to approve events over the weekend or on holidays. We would like to expand that 48-hour window, to 120 hours, or 5 days. We would prefer expanding the 48-hour window time instead of having our calendar admin login to CMS to approve events as we feel it will simply help streamline the process and provide faster updates for our audiences. 

Wouldn't submitted calendar events still show up in the Calendar manager? You could then approve or deny longer than 48 hours from within there.

Yes, but we are trying to streamline the process if at all possible.