
FR: Additional analytics for Email Reach

Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

We'd like to request some additional analytics data be added for the Email Reach service.

• Statistics / Analytics / Email Reach: Add column for open rate. Yes we can do the math when needed but the system can do it much faster and have it available instantly when we need it or provide it in automated reports.

• Statistics / Analytics / Email Reach: We'd like to see columns related to active subscriptions. How many people on the "Sent" list had an active subscription when the email went out? How many of the "Opens" were active subscribers?

• Community / Email Reach: It could be helpful if the "Events" information was also available under Statistics / Analytics / Email Reach so it is all accessible from the same screen.

• Community / Email Reach / Contacts: Add a column for active subscriber status (yes/no).
