
How long does it takes for ads to start displaying

Jesus Sanchez 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 5 years ago 4

Hello. How long does it typically takes for a banner served through the Blox Marketplace to start appearing once it is set up? I have ads set to display today and found it can take quite a while -- a few hours in the case of a newsletter ad. Anyone to minimize the time it takes to get an up and running?



Make sure you're caching your browser after making changes like that, or else it will definitely take hours to show up.

Easiest way is to add "/?1234" at the end of the URL. So a slash, a question mark and then any random numbers or letters.

Satisfaction mark by Jesus Sanchez 5 years ago

Make sure you're caching your browser after making changes like that, or else it will definitely take hours to show up.

Easiest way is to add "/?1234" at the end of the URL. So a slash, a question mark and then any random numbers or letters.


Yeah, this is subject to a few caching layers... such as the JS files updating and the page updated. It should take around 15 mins if you cache bust as Ian explained.

Note that for customers who do not have a locally cached page, they would be seeing the ad much sooner.