article interaction and scrolling

Rick Simpson 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 6 years ago 1

article interaction and scrolling


There's been some discussion at Collegian about the impact of article length with user behavior. A question of how far do they go.

When we were on the Blox ad server I could get some idea about user behavior on articles by looking at ad stats by position. I recently ran a sponsorship ad through Google Ad Manager for a couple of days which gave me some additional information. At least for the bottom of article utility section.

My first thought was to add some pixel image tracking at the top, middle and bottom article utility sections, but we don't see stats on images in Google analytics.

So now I'm thinking of creating a new ad size in GAM of 300x1 and create sponsorship ads for the top, middle and bottom.

I would then be able to get at least 'the average' ratio of top to middle to bottom of article views.

Is this the wrong thinking on obtaining these metrics? Is there a better approach?


I wrote up a possible solution... then found that Google Tag Manager has this feature.

Scroll Depth - https://support.google.com/tagmanager/answer/7679218?hl=en

Looks like you can set it to fire at whatever percentage(s) you want and send it to analytics.
I wrote up a possible solution... then found that Google Tag Manager has this feature.

Scroll Depth - https://support.google.com/tagmanager/answer/7679218?hl=en

Looks like you can set it to fire at whatever percentage(s) you want and send it to analytics.