piano.io or similar

Kevin M. Cox 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Maureen Reinert 5 years ago 1

We've got piano.io pitching our publisher:

a SaaS platform helping media companies convert anonymous web and APP visitors into registered subscribers, combat ad blockers, as well as customize newsletters and user site experience according to their content affinities. Some of our clients include: Chicago Sun-Times, Hearst, Bloomberg, Gatehouse Media, The Economist, and Business Insider.

Anybody using this or something similar with Town News? 


I think our company looked at piano, but that was over a year ago, and I wasn't in those discussions to know what people liked or didn't like about them.

Another company you may want to look at is https://bntech.io. BNTech is part of Buffalo News. We've been working with them on user reporting/tracking.