
Is anyone using LiveIntent in their newsletters?

Maureen Reinert 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 5 years ago 1

We are wondering if anyone has ever done anything with integrating LiveIntent (https://support.liveintent.com/hc/en-us/articles/217205726) into newsletters.

If anyone is using this, we love to find out how the integration went and what you think of LiveIntent.



Hi Maureen!

We are just about to launch an integration with a different vendor, but they provide programmatic email ads for BLOX Email Reach.

Due to the multiple "phases" that an email goes through (from us, to our email vendor, to the email software) there are many parts that all need to work in harmony - so this was a somewhat difficult integration to pull off.

That being said, we are doing beta tests this month, and hope to launch in the next few weeks. As part of the program, you get several blocks with different ad sizes, and you just use them throughout your newsletters as you see fit.

I will respond to your CRM ticket if you would like more information.

If anyone else is interested in beta testing, let your sales rep know - we can probably take one or two more. Otherwise, be on the look out for more information as this program launches in a few weeks. =)


Hi Maureen!

We are just about to launch an integration with a different vendor, but they provide programmatic email ads for BLOX Email Reach.

Due to the multiple "phases" that an email goes through (from us, to our email vendor, to the email software) there are many parts that all need to work in harmony - so this was a somewhat difficult integration to pull off.

That being said, we are doing beta tests this month, and hope to launch in the next few weeks. As part of the program, you get several blocks with different ad sizes, and you just use them throughout your newsletters as you see fit.

I will respond to your CRM ticket if you would like more information.

If anyone else is interested in beta testing, let your sales rep know - we can probably take one or two more. Otherwise, be on the look out for more information as this program launches in a few weeks. =)