Under review

Feature Request: "Featured" Comments (Comment ID)

Ian McPhee 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by anonymous 6 years ago 5

I've submitted a ticket about this but would like to see how many other would find this useful.

We would like the ability to "feature" a comment on pages other than articles. With the increased focus industry-wide on a more engaged journalistic approach, this is something I think all TN customers would find useful. For us, the reader has become much more involved in every step of our writing process. We want to combat the recent "don't-read-the-comments" mantra that has become so commonplace.

Ideally, there would be a block that can pull in or pin Comments just like blocks can with Assets. This would allow us to have various blocks that show the latest comments in every section on the homepage, or every comment in a given section, for example.

I thought this might also be possible somehow by embedding the comment as a "widget". I played around with Google Console and was able to pull the html for a comment and paste that into an html block to pull it in, which obviously isn't ideal for several reasons (if the user edited their comment, that wouldn't be reflected, for example). But I didn't see anything like a "comment id" in the code, or in the Comments feature in general anywhere, which is how I would assume this would be done.

Has anyone done something similar or want to do this as well but can't figure out a way?

Under review

Ian, this sounds like a good idea to drive reader engagement. There are quite a few things that would need to change on the back-end to get a feature like this to work, but I'm in the process of looking over the entire commenting system to see how it can be improved and this feature just made it onto my list. Obviously this would impact only those using the TownNews comment system as we have no way of attaching information to a 3rd party system like FB. No promises it will make the final cut, nor how quickly we'll see any changes :)

Ian, this doesn't get you to exactly what you want, but we've got a custom comments block that allows readers to see the latest comments across the site:


Hmmm... No, but it is an improvement at least. We are also trying to create a comments ( nuvo.net/conversations ) page, and there's not much to work with. Any idea how I'd go about gaining access to your "tncms-block-508900"? 

I like the " Threads / Messages / Most Commented " tab layout. I do think the wording is a little confusing though, I'd probably change them (if I could) to:

Threads - "Comments", 

Messages - "Threads"

Most Commented - "Popular"  

Thanks Kevin!

Just ask support. Town News built it for us as part of the transition from Zen to Flex templates a few years back. Our readers freaked out when they initially lost that functionality from the old site.