Image presentation only in thumbnail

Joel Kight 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 5 years ago 2

Is there a way to add a presentation mode for a thumbnail only image that does not show in the article body? We would use it for stock images that show on the home page but when you click on the article, it won't show since it is not directly relevant to the article.



I think you can do what you want by putting a teaser image on the article and not using the image on the article as a child asset. The child assets will show on the article, but the teaser image will only show in the block that you have on the page.

For example:

(Ignore the fact that images don't fit, I just threw some logos on there because they were the images I had handy.)

This is where the teaser image goes on the article

The actual child image is a different logo that shows up at the top of the article

This is what the article looks like in a grid on the page

Does that help you do what you want?


I think you can do what you want by putting a teaser image on the article and not using the image on the article as a child asset. The child assets will show on the article, but the teaser image will only show in the block that you have on the page.

For example:

(Ignore the fact that images don't fit, I just threw some logos on there because they were the images I had handy.)

This is where the teaser image goes on the article

The actual child image is a different logo that shows up at the top of the article

This is what the article looks like in a grid on the page

Does that help you do what you want?

I believe so. Thank you.