
IPTC/XMP parsing improvements

Kevin M. Cox 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 5 years ago 0

This is an extension of this old topic that I recently drug back up: https://community.townnews.com/communities/1/topics/625-set-author-on-photo-processed-through-jobs-folder

I just submitted a feature request (Ticket # 742706) for improvements to the parsing of IPTC/XMP metadata of photographs when they are imported into the system via FTP (a Job / Importer) or via the browser interface.

Currently only the following fields are parsed and automatically added to the image asset:

Description/Caption --> Caption

The Title --> Title

Creator --> Byline

Keywords --> Keywords

The highest priority addition we'd like to see is having the "Creator's CI: Email@1, Email@2 (ref2017.1)" or "Iptc4xmpCore:CiEmailWork" field be matched against system users and if found set as the Photographer/Author of the image asset.

An additional request would be to have the "City (Core) (ref2017.1)" field be matched against Geolocations in the BLOX system and automatically adding any that match.

Both of these would save our photographers a ton of time, especially crucial when filing on deadline. Right now they have to open the TCMS browser interface to make these changes whereas if they were done automatically they could avoid that step.

I know making changes to existing behavior won't be as easily considered, but I'd like to suggest changing the IPTC field used to populate the BLOX Byline field.

Currently it is the IPTC "Creator1 (ref2017.1)" field but I think using the "Credit Line (ref2017.1)" field would be more appropriate. The current behavior requires us to put the stylized byline format we'd like to see in the Creator field instead of the photographer's name.

The Credit Line field is the one intended to be used for that purpose:


Please let me know what y'all think.

