
Custom calendar export

Maureen Reinert 5 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Allen Schmidt 5 years ago 8

Does anyone have an example of a custom calendar export template that they would be willing to share with us? We are looking at improving our calendars and are getting some resistance from people who want to keep using the text files they've always used for building our print calendars.

Hi Maureen.

I am attaching a text file of what we use for our main calendar export. It's a simple process to add a custom export template in BLOX and paste the text file into the new template.

It's tailored to how we want our output for print but it's easy enough to modify.

Let me know if you have any questions.



We've never used the calendar export function but I have to ask a stupid question.... 

How do those exports 'fire' and where do the exported files show up??



Hi Allen.

Within the calendar section in BLOX, you can decide what calendar entries you want to include in the export, then there is an "Export" option in the main window under "Search results" where you can choose the template to export the entries into.

You will then be prompted to save or open the exported text file.

I don't recall finding much in the help site, so you might just have to play around with it a bit to get a feel for it.


Oh jeez. Too simple!! :)

Thanks for pointing out the (now) obvious giant in your face button that says EXPORT!!! 


Hey Dave,

Love your custom export!! Thanks for that!!

Once thing I am not seeing is it pulling the actual date/dates unless that shows up as text in the body/description.

I see a date section commented out....why is that? Have you figured out how to get the main or closest upcoming date out of it?


Hi Allen.

That might be an export we do that doesn't include the date. We have several different exports we use, so try the one I'm attaching here (0108export.txt) and see if that works for you.




Nope. That one did not have the dates either and the same date code commented out at the top.

Unless you think relevant to keep it here, we can take this offline. ASchmidt@FreeLanceStar.com

Thanks! Greatly appreciate your assistance.
