Feature request/bug fix: Scroll wheel functionality on e-edition pages

Chase Doak 4 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

A reader came into our office today with a couple of e-edition questions (one was about how to print portions of the e-edition - I started a feature request for this a few months back https://community.townnews.com/communities/1/topics/1241-feature-request-e-edition-clip-and-print-tool)

He said that he often uses the auto-scroll feature that is built into most mouse devices that have a scroll wheel, where if you click the wheel, a cursor pops up allowing the user to scroll up or down at an adjustable speed. That functionality is disabled in the e-edition due to the click-and-drag hand cursor that works with the left mouse button. I'm wondering if it's possible to re-enable the scroll wheel/third button functionality without disabling the hand cursor. If you need further clarification as to what I am talking about, let me know