
Is there a way to show the number of votes cast in a poll?

Sam Watson 4 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 4 years ago 1

Unless we are missing something, there does not appear to be a way to display how many votes have been cast in a poll. The results only show the percentages. Is there a setting to show the actual votes?



The counts are there, they are just hidden by default. You can use CSS to display them or move them around:

.tnt-chart-bar text.tnt-chart-count {
    display: block;
.tnt-chart-bar text.tnt-chart-percent {
    display: none;

If you display both, they will essentially be on top of each other, so you'll have to use CSS to move one of them around.


The counts are there, they are just hidden by default. You can use CSS to display them or move them around:

.tnt-chart-bar text.tnt-chart-count {
    display: block;
.tnt-chart-bar text.tnt-chart-percent {
    display: none;

If you display both, they will essentially be on top of each other, so you'll have to use CSS to move one of them around.