
Webinar | Insider best practices for elevating your 2020 election coverage with BLOX CMS

Cherry Wolf (Marketing specialist) 4 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 4 years ago 1
Webinar recording now available.

At our September customer webinar, Christine Masters, director of BLOX CMS, shared expert tips and tricks for using our industry-leading tools and tech to win on election night ‘20.

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Topics included:

  • Easily updating tabular data throughout election night.
  • Displaying interactive maps and graphs with embeddable widgets.
  • Using TownNews Content Exchange articles, images, and videos to supplement your homegrown election coverage.
  • Keeping your visitors engaged with push notifications—even when they aren’t on your site.
  • Showcasing fast-changing news and data with Update blocks.
  • . . . and much more!

Ready to get started? Watch it now.