Under review

Feature request: weather data

Jared Frank 4 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 4 years ago 1

Issue: weather data on our TownNews sites differ from forecasts we publish over the air in our newscasts. That is because the weather data in TownNews is not connected to the data we create and use for our on-air product through Baron (or WSI).

Solution: allow for the integration of weather data from the provider or our choice.  Both WSI and Baron offer API access. 

Why: allowing for the integration of weather data from Baron and/or WSI would allow for consistency across all of our platforms. The end result is less confusion among our viewers and users. 


Under review

Hi Jared!

We do have the ability to integrate with a custom WSI implementation - you need an API key and a clientID from WSI and then that's gets entered into our system. Then, you can use the standard  BLOX display widgets but they are populated with your custom data.

We are considering an integration with Barron (I think you and I have a meeting Monday to discuss?) but it isn't available yet.

Under review

Hi Jared!

We do have the ability to integrate with a custom WSI implementation - you need an API key and a clientID from WSI and then that's gets entered into our system. Then, you can use the standard  BLOX display widgets but they are populated with your custom data.

We are considering an integration with Barron (I think you and I have a meeting Monday to discuss?) but it isn't available yet.