Under review

Faster way to get a teaser image

Lindy Ritz 2 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 2 years ago 7

We use teaser images now SO often now - esp. with the new template - that it might be nice to have a shortcut button to apply an image you are using as a Child asset as the teaser, without having to do double the work. How possible would that be?

Under review

Hi Lindy!

By default, BLOX CMS will use the first child image as the preview of an article. So, if you're adding teaser images for assets that are already children, you probably don't have to do that! Just make sure that the child image you want is at the top of your list of assets, and BLOX will do the work for you.

If you are talking about using teaser images for articles that don't have photos, we have a feature for that coming out in a few weeks! It will allow you to set multiple photos per section, and it will randomly use a default photo when you don't have any available in the article.

Does this answer your question?

If you are talking about using teaser images for articles that don't have photos, we have a feature for that coming out in a few weeks! It will allow you to set multiple photos per section, and it will randomly use a default photo when you don't have any available in the article.

I'm intrigued...

Did this feature ever launch? I can see how plenty could go wrong here.

One example that proves this would be a vital tool, is how we are using SO many videos as child assets - which require them to be the very first asset so that they appear at the top of the article (template hack?). Per your answer above, yes - the first child asset DOES default as the preview - but using a video as the preview image is not always representative of the story - and thus a teaser image becomes fundamental. 


Christine, this doesn't address the simple need of being able to assign the same image for a Child Asset AND Teaser in the same motion. The current workflow creates a lot of unnecessary steps and simply adds more time to the publishing process.

Okay I'm bumping this topic back up.

In the move for more video views, we need a foolproof method for newsrooms to attach videos to more stories.

Currently, we are required to make the first child asset to be a video in order for its correct placement above the article in the template.

Unfortunately, this defaults that VIDEO PREVIEW as the story thumbnail on the website. Not ideal.

The only workaround right now is to set a Teaser image - FOR EVERYTHING THAT HAS A VIDEO.

For us, that's like 80% of everything.

Is there no way to either:

a.) Have the template pull the thumbnail from the first IMAGE asset instead, bypassing the VIDEO thumbnail as a default 

b.) Quick button to set a preferred Image asset as a Teaser thumbnail

We would still need to consider the 16:9 crop ratio, but this could help eliminate SOME steps!

I learned today that the position is called the "Hero" position.