Under review

eEdition PDF Download Link

Andrew McBride 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 2

Is there a way to add functionality for a PDF edition download link outside of the eEdition app? Would like to include a button below the thumbnail.

This would increase ease for a lot of our users since they prefer to download and view without an internet connection at a later time. Our users also prefer the PDF download because of the quality and readability.

It would reduce the number of clicks by 4 or more and decrease load time as well especially on low end devices.

Under review

Thanks Andrew for the question. We don't currently have this functionality outside of the e-Edition web application. If offline viewing is the a goal for your users we have been working on a live e-Edition app that will facilitate this that will be available soon. Our goal is to provide offline access in a way that is in the spirit of the Live e-Edition which is to provide any additional related content available from the web site when offline.

We are always looking to improve usability for the product especially as technologies change so quickly. I will take this under advisement as we move forward.