
Google news images/links are not ours

Craig V 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 5
If I search our stories in google news we get the correct text but sometimes images are not ours. Search "site:buckscountycouriertimes.com" in google news. Has anyone found a workaround to tell google news to use a default image and not someone else's?

Image 47


Hi Craig!

Here is the Google News help page, which says that if you don't have a related image (that meets their requirements) they will sometimes help you out by adding one from somewhere else:


"Please keep in mind that in order to show as many different sources to our users as possible, we sometimes pair relevant images with articles from different sources."

So, it doesn't look like much can be done other than to try to have images with all of your main stories.

I had thought that setting an og_image setting would help, but you have that already, so clearly Google News won't use that.
This only seems to happen when there is no photo with the story. Can we have it pick up a default image somehow, when there is no photo with the story? Example is the top story in the screen shot.
Hi Craig!

Here is the Google News help page, which says that if you don't have a related image (that meets their requirements) they will sometimes help you out by adding one from somewhere else:


"Please keep in mind that in order to show as many different sources to our users as possible, we sometimes pair relevant images with articles from different sources."

So, it doesn't look like much can be done other than to try to have images with all of your main stories.

I had thought that setting an og_image setting would help, but you have that already, so clearly Google News won't use that.
Search site:abcnews.com in google news. They don't display an image when one doesn't exist. It would be great to see how they do that.
Seem inconsistent though. Most of the ones without the thumbnails are videos. Thanks for your help.
Yeah it seems to be one of those relatively inconsistent things where Google is doing something we don't really understand. They say they "sometimes pair relevant images with articles from different sources" but they don't say how often or when, or if this can be influenced.