
Can't create polls

Maureen Reinert 11 months ago in BLOX CMS updated by Matt Baney 11 months ago 4

Is anyone else having issues creating poll assets? Every time we try to create a new poll we get the message "Preparing asset editor," and that's it.

Image 742

I'm wondering if this s something unique to us or is it a larger problem.



Hi Maureen - This appears to be a bug. Thank for your letting us know!  Please keep an eye out for release notes for a fix. 

It's not just you... tried this on a couple of different sites I have access to, in both clusters(ny,ch) and the UI hangs at the place you mention.

Checking the Dev/Console in the browser I see the error that's locking this up (see below.)

This appears to be a newly introduced bug in the software.

VM303:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'answers')
    at S.setData (eval at success (eval at require (tncms.js:5794:6)), :1:5823)
    at constructor.initAsNewAsset (asset.js:4513:16)
    at callback (eval at require (tncms.js:5794:6), :1:12885)
    at ajaxCallback (tncms.js:4210:23)
    at Ext.data.Connection.handleResponse (ext-all.js:40398:6)
    at f (ext-all.js:38225:14)
    at m (ext-all.js:38248:16)
    at ext-all.js:37633:59

Thanks for letting me know that we're not alone. I've opened a support ticket, so hopefully TownNews will get this fixed soon.


Hi Maureen - This appears to be a bug. Thank for your letting us know!  Please keep an eye out for release notes for a fix. 

Any update on this? Any chance it will get fixed this weekend?