
Dynamic article collections placed inline in articles

Bob Rose 1 year ago in BLOX CMS updated by Joe Hansen (Product manager) 1 year ago 3

We are trying to insert a dynamic collection of articles into an article asset, but no matter which presentation mode we select (series, default, asset), the individual items of the collection do not show up. Do article collections not appear in inline articles?




This is how the feature was developed. Because dynamic collections are by their nature dynamic instead of a set of assets, the engine would have to drill in and fetch all the related assets for the collection then parse through them. This would lead to some serious memory usage.

It's possible to create custom behavior for this if you reach out to our CS team, but there will need to be great care given to the number of assets to display in the collections. We'd also have to build each presentation behavior to work within an article, so it would be a fairly extensive custom development task.

By default the behavior of an inline dynamic collection is to just display the summary for the collection, which would be the headline/description (as long as those are enabled on the collection) and link to the collection page.

Joe Hansen
Director of Solutions Support

Blox Digital

I believe the problem is that you can't put a dynamic article collection inline. I just tried adding a static collection of assets inline and that worked. Then I changed to dynamic collection pulling in the same assets, and I only got a link to the collection inline.

I don't know why the static and dynamic collections are treated differently when you put them inline, but for reason they are.


This is how the feature was developed. Because dynamic collections are by their nature dynamic instead of a set of assets, the engine would have to drill in and fetch all the related assets for the collection then parse through them. This would lead to some serious memory usage.

It's possible to create custom behavior for this if you reach out to our CS team, but there will need to be great care given to the number of assets to display in the collections. We'd also have to build each presentation behavior to work within an article, so it would be a fairly extensive custom development task.

By default the behavior of an inline dynamic collection is to just display the summary for the collection, which would be the headline/description (as long as those are enabled on the collection) and link to the collection page.

Joe Hansen
Director of Solutions Support

Blox Digital