
Is there a way to create a separate stylesheet for certain URLs?

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 2

We're thinking about completely rebranding our marketplace section. So that would be a huge amount of custom CSS and it would make our site.css heavy and very long. Is there a way to target a different stylesheet for the marketplace section?



What you describe is pretty much what I would recommend - adding your own css link in the head include file.

It is possible to target specific sections based on section-specific classes that are included in the "main" container on the page (on Zen it is main-container, on Flex it is body). Like so:

.sports h1 {font-size: 53px;}

But that reference would be included on all pages.

If you want to include a SEPARATE style sheet, what you describe is good on Zen.

On Flex, we include our site-specific CSS on the page (rather than in a separate file) in order to reduce http requests. To add a section-specific CSS to the page, Mike explains it well in this thread: http://community.townnews.com/topic/1025220-css-instance-and-customizing-css-in-flex/


I answered my own question, sort of. I decided to just create a new stylesheet and call it in the <head> element. But I'm still not sure if you can target specific stylesheets to specific URLs.


What you describe is pretty much what I would recommend - adding your own css link in the head include file.

It is possible to target specific sections based on section-specific classes that are included in the "main" container on the page (on Zen it is main-container, on Flex it is body). Like so:

.sports h1 {font-size: 53px;}

But that reference would be included on all pages.

If you want to include a SEPARATE style sheet, what you describe is good on Zen.

On Flex, we include our site-specific CSS on the page (rather than in a separate file) in order to reduce http requests. To add a section-specific CSS to the page, Mike explains it well in this thread: http://community.townnews.com/topic/1025220-css-instance-and-customizing-css-in-flex/
