
Any one use FIDO?

TomS 10 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 2
This only started when we switched to TCMS so I was wondering if other designers/layout in the community are using the MEI plugin FIDO? We are experiencing a lot of InDesign crashes when updating ads with this plugin. Both InDesign and FIDO are current and compatible. I've been told by TownNews that we are the only company using FIDO. Are any designers in the community using it and experiencing crashes? If not what is your workflow or programs used. 

We use the MEI program AdForce to dummy and lay ads on our InDesign template. We split the document into individual pages for the copy editors. When we get the pages back we use FIDO to update ads on the page that were missing or updated during the day. Then export our pages to pre-press and the web. The only solution we've tried is deleting the Ad Layer and re-lay the ads on the individual page before exporting. This takes longer and introduces a place for human error of importing the wrong page of ads. 


Good afternoon. My apologies for not answering this question months ago. But I'm not a site and that is who you directed your question to.

For what it is worth, no, I don't think we have any other FIDO users but your site. Our other Ad Force users export the layouts in a format that our built in advertising functions handle and then we have our own equivalent to FIDO that is integrated into the document opening, proofing, and export functions. I believe we have at 4-5 Ad Force sites.

We currently have integration with the following types of Ad Layout applications:

APT PowerPlan & PageMaster (fixed format version)
Brainworks XML
generic Layout 8000 Cardex format
Managing Editor's Ad Force (sometimes resold by Baseview / MediaSpan / NewsCycle)
Managing Editor's ALS (again, sometimes resold)
Miles 33 XML
SCS's Layout 8000 Cardex format
Vision Data XML

We also add import capability whenever we have identified at least 2 sites needing to use a format. 
Good afternoon. My apologies for not answering this question months ago. But I'm not a site and that is who you directed your question to.

For what it is worth, no, I don't think we have any other FIDO users but your site. Our other Ad Force users export the layouts in a format that our built in advertising functions handle and then we have our own equivalent to FIDO that is integrated into the document opening, proofing, and export functions. I believe we have at 4-5 Ad Force sites.

We currently have integration with the following types of Ad Layout applications:

APT PowerPlan & PageMaster (fixed format version)
Brainworks XML
generic Layout 8000 Cardex format
Managing Editor's Ad Force (sometimes resold by Baseview / MediaSpan / NewsCycle)
Managing Editor's ALS (again, sometimes resold)
Miles 33 XML
SCS's Layout 8000 Cardex format
Vision Data XML

We also add import capability whenever we have identified at least 2 sites needing to use a format.