
Forms with Touch 5 application skin.

Craig V 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 1
Is it possible to set settings > urls application to "Form" with a application skin of "Touch 5 Mobile"? I know once our site is responsive then it won't be a problem, but until then I would need an option for this.


We don't have specific "Touch 5" skins for forms. But I do have another option...

On the standard editorial forms skin, if you pass ?p=1 through the form, it does "popup" mode without the shell of the site.

The guts of the form itself and simple and responsive, so once you get rid of the site shell, you're left with a responsive form.

So, you could link to this:

We don't have specific "Touch 5" skins for forms. But I do have another option...

On the standard editorial forms skin, if you pass ?p=1 through the form, it does "popup" mode without the shell of the site.

The guts of the form itself and simple and responsive, so once you get rid of the site shell, you're left with a responsive form.

So, you could link to this:
