Quiz asset

Do you think this is similar/different from the 'contest' idea here?
Maybe they could be part of the same application... or would quizes be in editorial?
Also, can you show me a few examples?

My ideal use for them would be, say, a weekly news quiz that our readers could take on our website based on our content.
Here's an example of a more simplistic presentation of what I'm talking about: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/sns-quiz.triviaquiz
And a fancier one: http://www.pewresearch.org/quiz/the-news-iq-quiz/
And here's a link to a quiz on our website that I "faked" using a collection asset (this one was enormously popular): http://www.capitalgazette.com/multimedia/photos/news/take-the-quiz-how-would-you-fare-on-the-citizenship/collection_2a50a5b7-8e34-5401-8e9d-e159f032ac04.html
Thanks very much!

Buzzfeed loves quizzes.
"-The company's recent post What City Should You Actually Live In has generated close to 20 million views in five days. The quiz form is something Peretti thinks more publishers should experiment with."
And interactive quizzes are quite popular for the New York Times. The most popular content in 2013 was a dialect quiz published Dec. 21an intern created. This is probably a little more dynamic than the simple quizzes proposed in the thread, but it does give us an idea of what content is the most popular.
Here's the quiz! http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/12/20/sunday-review/dialect-quiz-map.html?_r=0

Here is what I'm thinking:
- Ability to ask multiple questions with multiple answers.
- Newspaper sets the correct answer (the fact that there is a correct answer differentiates a quiz from a survey).
- Questions and answers can have photos attached.
- A progress bar shows the number of total questions and the number answered thus far.
- At the end there is a summary of which questions you got right, and how it compared to others taking the quiz. (like this example: http://www.pewresearch.org/quiz/the-news-iq-quiz/)
Also, if we removed the "correct" answer, then we would have a mini-survey.
Thoughts? Additional requirements?

I would love to see a quiz asset be made available through blox. Is there a way that we can make this happen?

This is a great idea. We'd use this a lot on our site, escpecially with the popularity of "buzzfeed-style" quizzes with the early-20s crowd (our target market.)

You could... but you can't have forms as part of an asset, like you can with photos, videos or polls. So the user would have to go to a seperate page and lose the experience you're trying to make.
Also, forms are generally just used for collecting information. These quiz assets would give an answer on-the-fly based on a question-tree or photos selected. Or they could incorporate poll data and give answers based on polling information. (ie: gather what political topics are important to you through several small polls and give you what political party you are in line with as an answer to your selections.)

Use PollDaddy. It works perfectly with BLOX and is cheap. We dumped Second Street for all of our contests, polls, etc and just use PollDaddy. I think its $200 a year.
We have a weekly news quiz that does exactly what you are wanting that works like a dream.
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