
links within photo asset captions

Seth Bromley 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 6 years ago 2

I'm trying to get a clickable hyperlink to show up inside photo captions. It seems straightforward to add hyperlinks to the caption while in the back-end asset editor, but when I view the asset from the front end, the link will not be clickable. I just get the plain text.

I thought it might be a browser issue but it happens in both Chrome and Firefox.



Hi Seth!

I am just reviewing some photo-related questions on the site and I see this was missed.

HTML does work in the photo captions, however BR tags in general are removed if they are outside of "block" level elements.

If you want to keep the BR tags, you can put them inside of a block-level element, such as a div tag, and they should remain. Note that the div is counted as a paragraph as far as ads or paging in BLOX CMS.

Also note that inline elements, such as inline photos, can't be placed inside of a block-level element. So when you save it will be placed outside of the div.

I tried to add a new paragraph tag <p> and a break <br /> into a caption. When I view source the tags are gone. I assume the same would happen with a link.

Is there a way to get html tags to work in captions?


Hi Seth!

I am just reviewing some photo-related questions on the site and I see this was missed.

HTML does work in the photo captions, however BR tags in general are removed if they are outside of "block" level elements.

If you want to keep the BR tags, you can put them inside of a block-level element, such as a div tag, and they should remain. Note that the div is counted as a paragraph as far as ads or paging in BLOX CMS.

Also note that inline elements, such as inline photos, can't be placed inside of a block-level element. So when you save it will be placed outside of the div.