Under review

Maps: I want more than one location

Erica Smith 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Ben McCarty 5 years ago 5

Maps created in article assets (Other > Location) are limited to one location. That's not enough. I want the ability to add at least three map locations. It's a feature that will be used frequently (Crime stories! Economic development stories! Events!), but Town News tells me it's not available in Flex templates. #sadtrombone So I'm asking for your help in making it available. "Like" for more map locations!


I had hoped (long ago) that I could assign multiple geolocations and it would display them on a map. Alas that is not the case.

An option that may work for you is to create an asset for each address and then make them a collection with the presentation mode set to mapped.

Creating individual assets sounds like a pain compared to just making and embedding a Google map. I do generally like the idea of multiple locations, though.

Perhaps adding a location brings up a little modal where you input the information for the location. It's then added to a list inside the asset's location panel?


"Creating individual assets sounds like a pain compared to just making and embedding a Google map. I do generally like the idea of multiple locations, though."

Michael, you are absolutely right, it is a pain. I've only done it a couple of times and have since gone back to batchgeo for maps I want to embed.

I know people use geolocations similar to sections (this block contains articles about eastside, that one is northside, the other is beaches) still I wish there was a flag on an article along the lines of "Show Geolocations on a map"

Alternately move location off of the other tab and make it a related item .... That way you can add multiple ones to an article, once a location is setup you wouldn't have to reenter and geocode it every time you wanted to use it


Found this while searching for the ability to add multiple locations to a map. I upvote on this. Could be used for so many things, such as adding garage sale locations to a map, locations for a crime spree, events, festivals. I do it manually using Google MyMaps currently, but the ability to create a map and add assets to it within blox would be so much easier. Maybe it could happen now that new mapping is on the way?