Under review

smart truncating

Mike Stickler 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 1
User today wanted to know where the rest of a caption was. Seems they were looking at the sildeshow block and the caption was truncated mid-word at about 180 characters.

I was wondering about truncating in general... when doing so instead of truncating at the exact character count... Could you not go back the last space prior to that and truncate there with a "..." appended. 

In the example (see image below) the truncated caption would be;
"DES MOINES, Iowa — Farmers set new corn and soybean records last year, harvesting the largest crops ever as a cool summer allowed the plants to mature under mostly favorable ..."
instead of 
"DES MOINES, Iowa — Farmers set new corn and soybean records last year, harvesting the largest crops ever as a cool summer allowed the plants to mature under mostly favorable condit"

That way the reader would receive an indication the text was truncated purposefully and and was not ;an error. 

Image 63
Under review
Let me find out some more information about this. I don't think we can do "word" truncate, only "character" truncate, but I will ask to be sure.

Also, that block allows you to set the character lenght, so it could be higher... (maybe two hundred or three hundred?)... but it would still truncate in the middle of words. custom property = long_description_truncate

Lastly, that block it set up to show ellipses after the truncation (which makes it a lot more clear to users that it was intentionally cut), but I'm not sure why in your case it isn't showing. I will have someone look at this.
