
Feature request: Search by geolocation tag

Erica Smith 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Marshall Hopkins 7 years ago 5

We use geolocation tags with assets to identify and display content by city. Without a search query by geolocation tag, I'm limited to what I can display to one page — I can't send users farther into our archives for more content about and related to the geolocation he or she is interested in. So, similar to asset type, keyword tag or offset queries, I'm looking for a geolocation tag query.

If anyone else is looking for the same feature, a vote helps get it done or at least added to a to-do list.



Hi Erica!

We do have a few search options related to geo tags. We have a block query rule in the Block Editor, so you can build blocks based on geo tags.

Since you mentioned offset parameters though, I suspect you mean search parameters in the front-end search. The good news is, we have this too! The parameter is simply "g."

For example:


Will search for the geo tag united_states/iowa

Note that geo tags are hierarchical, and you need to include the whole hierarchy in the search. So in my example above, I have a tag called united_states, and then INSIDE that, another tag called iowa. So, in order to search for iowa geo tags, I also have to include the path for united_states.


Hi Erica!

We do have a few search options related to geo tags. We have a block query rule in the Block Editor, so you can build blocks based on geo tags.

Since you mentioned offset parameters though, I suspect you mean search parameters in the front-end search. The good news is, we have this too! The parameter is simply "g."

For example:


Will search for the geo tag united_states/iowa

Note that geo tags are hierarchical, and you need to include the whole hierarchy in the search. So in my example above, I have a tag called united_states, and then INSIDE that, another tag called iowa. So, in order to search for iowa geo tags, I also have to include the path for united_states.

Aha! More people should know about that!

There must also be a way to search for GeoLocation tag in blox back-end. Does the same search parameter "?g=east" work typed into the back-end calendar search? I can't figure it out.

We reverse publish to several different regional papers and we use the GeoLocation tag to group events by region.


You can search the back end by geolocation tag. Use tag_geo:() and add the location you want in the parenthesis. (For us: tag_geo:(norfolk) would return stories tagged for Norfolk. Locations with a double name, like Virginia Beach, have an underscore between the words by default: virginia_beach)

But I don't know if that works for calendars because we don't use that feature ...