
CSS Instance and Customizing CSS in FLEX

Andrew McBride 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 3

What's the correct way to edit the CSS in FLEX and use the "CSS instance" option in the customization options?

Looking to make changes that will affect only one page.



You're going to want to use the macro tpl_customCssOverwrites(skin). We put this into a file called css.utl inside our site component.

Inside that file, if you escape yourself out of UTL, you can put in whatever CSS you want and it gets inserted into the head of the rendered web page. To use the CSS instances, you'd simply do something like this:


macro tpl_customCssOverwrites(skin);

if skin == 'skin_name'; %]

/* do CSS */

[% end;




You're going to want to use the macro tpl_customCssOverwrites(skin). We put this into a file called css.utl inside our site component.

Inside that file, if you escape yourself out of UTL, you can put in whatever CSS you want and it gets inserted into the head of the rendered web page. To use the CSS instances, you'd simply do something like this:


macro tpl_customCssOverwrites(skin);

if skin == 'skin_name'; %]

/* do CSS */

[% end;



Perfect answer! Thanks Mike! =D