
Including a "read More" link back to article when copy and pasting body text

Mike DellaVecchia 10 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 10 years ago 2
I've noticed that certain news websites, when you copy and paste a portion or full article, it automatically pastes in a link back to the article as well.  I think this would be a great feature to add.

For example, Politico:
Atlantic City has one of the highest crime rates in New Jersey, with 4,287 crimes in 2014, 522 of which were violent, according to the New Jersey State Police’s website.

Crime levels are falling, dropping by 13.6 percent in the past year, but think tank and policy researchers list it as one of the main impediments to the city’s recovery as a tourist haven. The city’s budget cuts also led to reductions to the police department.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/02/atlantic-city-meltdown-chris-christie-115204.html#ixzz3SfjsHbCj


Hi Mike!

This is usually done with Tynt:


From what I recall, it is just some JS that you add to your footer.
We tried this for a while and a number of our readers reacted very poorly to it. They felt, and I eventually agreed, that their clipboards were their own business. 

However, another paper in our chain just implemented similar functionality about a week ago: idahopress.com. I haven't heard what, if any, feedback they've had. 
Hi Mike!

This is usually done with Tynt:


From what I recall, it is just some JS that you add to your footer.