
Give users the ability to upload an image(s) with their calendar submission from the dashboard

Jacki Gray 11 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 11 years ago 5

It would be nice if users could upload images for their calendar event submissions on the dashboard. Child image assets would help make our online calendar more dynamic for users.

Hi Jacki!

We do plan on doing this. We actually have this coded and it was in QA at one point, but having unpublished child images caused issues in some places, so we have to fix those places first, then we can run this through again. =)

We want this development also - as soon as possible! When will it be out. We were just about to submit a ticket today for this. Please give us an ETA?

Hi Natalie! Nice to see you here! =)

As I said in my last update, we are actually done with development on this, but it was rejected from QA because of some unresolved issues with unpublished images. At this point I can't give an ETA because I'm not sure how easy it will be to resolve those issues.

I will try to update this ticket when I have more information. Feel free to subscribe using the link to the right (it says "notifications" then Subscribe). If you subscribe on the front page, it will email you about everything. If you click Subscribe within an individual ticket, you'll get emails about that one particular ticket.

Hope this helps! =)

As a side note (mostly for future tickets because this one is already "planned"), feel free to click on the little votes bubble to vote for tickets. It is a great way to let us know you agree with certain ideas, and helps us prioritize requests.

So, if you both voted on this, it would currently have a count of "2" - which is pretty good for the first day we launched the community. =)

Hi Natalie and Jacki!

The current plan is to create a new setting which allows the photo-upload-on-event-creation feature to be enabled. (This way, it is not available by default, so site admins known they need to start approving photos.)

However, if you do not have user-submissions set to be auto-approved (meaning, if you have it set up so that it needs to be approved), you'll need to publish or approve both the event and the associated photo.

In the future, we are looking at ways to make this a one-stop process, but for now we'll have to approve each asset.

What do you think? Thanks!
