
AP flag overwrites bylines

Greg Wood 10 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 7
We've noticed that whenever a story has an AP flag set, as all of our wire service stories do, anything in the byline field will get overwritten by "Associated Press." Often these are not even AP stories. Could there be a way to force the byline field onto the article if there is one? 


Under review
Hi Greg!

This used to be a requirement of the AP, but it looks like it isn't anymore. So I will see if we can change that.

Though, we also have a "Wire" flag you could use, that doesn't overwrite the byline, and may make more sense on a non-AP story. Assuming that's something you could change... 
Satisfaction mark by Greg Wood 10 years ago
Under review
Hi Greg!

This used to be a requirement of the AP, but it looks like it isn't anymore. So I will see if we can change that.

Though, we also have a "Wire" flag you could use, that doesn't overwrite the byline, and may make more sense on a non-AP story. Assuming that's something you could change... 
Greg, from the BLOX Total CMS perspective, it could also be that the site's BLOX Total CMS rulesets are configured to display Associated Press for print rather than the original byline. There are a variety of ways to in BLOX Total CMS so that an AP asset from BLOX Total CMS page doesn't destroy the original byline. Talk to your template master there for details, and if he needs help, put in a support ticket and one of the team will help change the rulesets.
Thanks, Jon! I'll check with Wendy....

Even typing by hand an Associated Press byline e.g., Dan Joling, Associated Press, the only thing that shows up is Associated Press. We need their names on the stories as well. We're switching to Flex in a couple of days. Has that been fixed on the Flex templates?

Correct, we have not implemented AP new registry integration on Flex templates, so this issue won't exist on there.