Under review

Form submissions into Editorial app as article assets

David Marsters 11 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Jesus Sanchez 6 years ago 7
We use the forms platform for a lot of things, and in many cases, the submissions we get ultimately have to get put into the form of article assets into the Editorial application. It would be great if there were a way for this to happen automatically. An example would be a candidate questionnaire form for elections - ultimately the text is going to get used as an article asset, and right now we have to manually paste it in and format it.

I recognize that not all forms are soliciting information that we would want in our Editorial assets, even if they came over with "Do Not Publish" checked, so perhaps this would be a setting on the form that you could tell it do export to Editorial on a case-by-case basis.

Thanks very much.


Under review
We do this for some things now - like Letters to the Editor can be submitted through the User Dashboard, and those will automatically become assets.

But, for fielded data that becomes more difficult because we don't always know the format that the resulting asset should have.

For some simple submissions though, this could be done in the User Dashboard.
Under review
We do this for some things now - like Letters to the Editor can be submitted through the User Dashboard, and those will automatically become assets.

But, for fielded data that becomes more difficult because we don't always know the format that the resulting asset should have.

For some simple submissions though, this could be done in the User Dashboard.
Good idea David. While the User Dashboard is an alternative for some things, this would be great for forms that are directed at people who most likely do not have a user account on the site. It could increase response by lowering the barrier to entry.

Yes, we would love to have this feature. We are migrating from WordPress to TownNews and use a plug-in called Gravity Forms. It does a great job converting submissions through a public or password-protected form that automatically creates a post or article -- you can set it to publish automatically or hold for review. I must say it's probably the plug-in I will most migrating to TownNews.   

Anyway a TownNews form like Letters to be the Editor be made available to readers without them having become a registered user? The submissions could also be set to "not publish" until review.

Something available that would auto-populate a table for school closings would be AMAZING (says every single reporter that has to wake up at 4:30 am to handle school closings and delays).


If your source has an RSS feed, you could bring it in through syndication. Might need to format it a bit, but it would get the data-entry out of the way.

There is a way this could be setup now although native functionality would be ideal.

You could create a "post-by-email" content importer and then have the web form send the email to this address.


Thanks. I was thinking this would work in some cases. We use forms to collect information for sponsored articles and content.  But I was hoping that a form would collect the same information and payment at the same time. 

Still, a post-by-email could work for some customers and some freelancers who are going to freeze up once they see the TownNews dashboard. ; - )