Under review

Facebook comment count

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by anonymous 5 years ago 8
It seems like the comment count when using Facebook comments don't display the number of comments when viewing a list of assets in a block like "asset index: headline list" or "asset index: main index." It would be really nice to be able to display the number of comments to encourage readers to check the comments others have left. I know sometimes I will click on an article even if I know the story just to see what other people are saying.



TownNews actually rolled out a comment count for Facebook, so I rolled back my customizations. Your comment dashboard would be at https://developers.facebook.com/tools/comments/YOUR_APP_ID_HERE

I customized our code to do this at http://www.bozemandailychronicle.com. However, I'm thinking that TownNews didn't turn this on by default perhaps because they were afraid of taking a performance hit from having the page have to query Facebook for the comment count.

You may want to check out our new implementation of this. We were able to do it in one async request, so it works nicely.

Yeah, I switched to using your guys' code after I saw that feature launched.

Hi Michael, Any chance you can share how you customized your code? I want to do the same thing. Or Town News, any chance this is a feature you plan to implement? I have had to turn off the comment count icons on our site because they don't show comments even where there are some because we use FB moderation. Also, does anyone know if there is one dashboard where I can see all site comments made using the FB moderation tool? Thanks!

Under review

On the Flex platform, we actually do the Facebook comment by default (if you're using Facebook comments) now. At first we had performance issues with it, but a few months ago we figured out a way to do it asynchronously, so it is now the default.

Rebecca, it looks like your blocks have the "comment count" setting set to false. So, if you turn that on it may actually just work out of the box. If not, submit a Customer Support ticket and we can look at it, because it is supposed to work.

Also, as far as Facebook moderation, here is more information: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments/

You have to be logged in as the admin or moderator associated to that Facebook ID.


TownNews actually rolled out a comment count for Facebook, so I rolled back my customizations. Your comment dashboard would be at https://developers.facebook.com/tools/comments/YOUR_APP_ID_HERE

Wow, Christine. You just showed me how to solve both problems at once. THANK YOU!