
How can the venue and contact info be saved for future entries?

sansone941 11 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Maureen Reinert 8 years ago 7



Hi Ellen, 

Website is not included for basic info, however, Business Directory listings contain the appropriate website fields. In the example you've added, Abel-Keppy Animal Hospital business listing would need their website field filled out.

There isn't a way to save this info for future entries. However, you can create a "template" that makes creating events with similar properties much easier. Here's how:

  1. In the BLOX Admin, create a new event, and set it up with your desired venue and contact info. Save and close the event.
  2. To create another event with similar properties, right-click the asset you created in step 1, and click "Duplicate."
  3. Open your new event and make any necessary changes.
  4. Click the "Other" tab, and uncheck the "Do not publish" option.

Hope that answers your question!

If your site is using the business directory application, venue data is stored in the business directory system and is re-useable across events. Entering multiple events for the same venue during the browser session will also offer a drop-down of 'recent' entries for quickly re-selecting venues.

Here is an example of the drop down Patrick describes. I previously entered Abel-keppy and Adriana's as Businesses in other events, and now those are pre-populated for my user session. =) If you need to re-use other properties on the event (more than just venue), or re-create events from previous sessions, consider Aaron's method.

Note however that if you're using the Business Directory, finding and adding businesses is easy. Click to add business information, and then at the top you see "find."

Instead of typing in the information every time, instead just look up the business and add it. It will type in all of the information for you!


Can a website field be added to this associated business/venue information?


Hi Ellen, 

Website is not included for basic info, however, Business Directory listings contain the appropriate website fields. In the example you've added, Abel-Keppy Animal Hospital business listing would need their website field filled out.

Something that we did for our calendars on our Fly After 5 (http://www.flyafter5.com/calendar/) and La Voz Lancaster (http://www.lavozlancaster.com/calendar/) sites is change the way the templates handle the website display for an event. 

First, we have saved a lot of the venues we frequently use to the Venue library and have made sure that as many of those venues have the website included in the business listing information as possible.

When we create a calendar listing, if we enter the website for an event (see Christine's first image above), that website is shown that on the event listing. If we leave that field blank and pick a venue, we show the website that is stored in the business directory for that venue. If there isn't one in the business listing, then we don't show a website for that event.

We only enter a website for an event when the event has it's own site that is separate from the venue's site. For example, there is a roots and blues festival here in Feb. where bands play at multiple venues. For the events related to that festival, we enter the website on the events. But for all to the regular events at those venues, we just let the system pull the website from the venue's business listing. This really helps when entering multiple events at a venue because we don't have to worry about the entering the venue's website over and over again.