
Google AMP and TownNews

Rob Weir 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Brice 9 years ago 5

Hi there, Google is officially launching its Accelerated Mobile Pages project today (to read more: https://backchannel.com/google-is-going-to-speed-up-the-web-is-this-good-a92a6043598b#.5wr1t0kdr ). Regardless of how we feel about the technology, newsroom executives are going to want us to start coding in that way, or feed pages into a code generator. Does TownNews have any plans regarding AMP that you can share with us?



Hi Rob!

Yes, this is already in process!

We started by just building an alternative asset-only template for Google AMP, however, there are some tags (like our internal stats code, or base href injected into the page) that are required for BLOX and not permitted on AMP (so the page will not validate). So this requires that we actually update the software to build in knowledge of Google AMP.

We are hoping this will be done in the next month or so, assuming we don't face any other roadblocks. :)


Hi Rob!

Yes, this is already in process!

We started by just building an alternative asset-only template for Google AMP, however, there are some tags (like our internal stats code, or base href injected into the page) that are required for BLOX and not permitted on AMP (so the page will not validate). So this requires that we actually update the software to build in knowledge of Google AMP.

We are hoping this will be done in the next month or so, assuming we don't face any other roadblocks. :)

Christine, will this be just for Flex or will Zen see the update as well?

It will be on Flex for sure, and will be first on Flex (we're already testing it). Not sure about Zen yet - it depends on the level of difficulty to add it.

Hi Christine, thanks for the update. The question came up for us because our university has partnered with these folks: https://www.relaymedia.com to use their technology to convert our pages to the AMP format in a limited test. I'll likely have some technical questions coming up as far as integrating it into our current site, but I'll send those through the proper channels.

Interested in this as well! I built a AMP skin and also found the same tags wouldn't make it through the validation. Glad everyone's on top of it!