
Publication date not showing on updated stories

Rebecca Fellenbaum 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago 9

When a story is updated and you choose to declare it an "important update" so the story says "updated" with the date and time the story was updated, the original publication date no longer shows in Flex. In Zen we were used to the original publication date remaining on the page and the updated date/time showing up next to it.

For example: Published: March 26 Updated: March 27

Now it just says: Updated: March 27

You have no idea when it was published!

Please bring back this feature! Without the original publication date showing, it is not clear to readers when the story was published.



We have now released this change - and articles with now show the publication date and the updated date.

I think we should also add the TIME, which we left off on this pass. Let me know what you guys think!

We haven't switched to Flex yet, but I agree this is an important request.


The time of day is an important reference for readers.


Hey guys, I am working on getting this improvement done. Here is what I am thinking:

On article details pages:

- If the date/time is less than a certain amount of time (a few hours), show the "pretty date" - which is like, "8 hours ago"

- After that, show the publication date and time in standard format

- Always have publication date/time

- When there is an updated time, show both

So for example it would be:

When the story is first published, it should say:

Published: March 30, 2010 at 8:01 pm
When it is updated, it should say:
Published: March 30, 2010 at 8:01 pm
Updated: March 31, 2011 at 4:34 pm

On blocks (for example, on the front page), I would leave it as it is (where it shows updated time).

Thoughts? Feedback?


That sounds like it would work well.


We have now released this change - and articles with now show the publication date and the updated date.

I think we should also add the TIME, which we left off on this pass. Let me know what you guys think!

Hi Christine, Thanks for doing this update! I agree that the updated time would be helpful. I also think it would look nicer if the updated date/time appeared on the line below.


Yes the time is very important, especially on breaking news articles.