
We had an ad not meet its impression limit. Why does this occur?

Nick 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 8 years ago 3

We have five ads in our leaderboard-middle region. One ad was from April 7-10 and needed 14,000 impressions. It got 4,000. Does the system not know to give the others less priority on those days to achieve the impressions of the limited run?

I put the 14k impressions in the "Total limit." Does that mean the system won't try to deliver 14k but that's just the max it can get? So "Total limit" is a limit and not a goal?

We really need clarification on this because it's become a huge problem as our advertising department has moved toward impressions vs. exclusivity based on position. If we've got several ads in one position that run for several months and an ad that runs for a few days, what will ensure the limited ad gets all the impressions it needs and give the other ads less priority? Is it best to set the ads with the long duration to monthly impressions and the limited ad to daily impressions? Right now the system seems to struggle to give the limited ad enough impressions.


Hi Nick -

I'll just list out the different questions you had and try to answer them individually:

I put the 14k impressions in the "Total limit." Does that mean the system won't try to deliver 14k but that's just the max it can get? So "Total limit" is a limit and not a goal?

- This is correct. This "Total limit" does nothing more than set an upper limit on the possible impress for an ad. This does not guarantee that an ad will receive the designated amount of impressions.

We have five ads in our leaderboard-middle region. One ad was from April 7-10 and needed 14,000 impressions. It got 4,000. Does the system not know to give the others less priority on those days to achieve the impressions of the limited run?

- The goal of one ad within a position does not affect other ads within a position.

If we've got several ads in one position that run for several months and an ad that runs for a few days, what will ensure the limited ad gets all the impressions it needs and give the other ads less priority? Is it best to set the ads with the long duration to monthly impressions and the limited ad to daily impressions? Right now the system seems to struggle to give the limited ad enough impressions.

- There is no way to guarantee impressions within Blox. What you can do is manipulate the weight, in percentage, of each position through the position manager. So, in the below example, I've set a 50% weight for the Savannah Food & Wine ad. This make sure this ad will get 50% of the impressions in that position while recalculating all of the other default percentages.

I know that Google DFP does offer some inventory managing options that would help you meet your impression goals, have you looking into this option? Google DFP is fully integrated with Blox but we do recommend have our Flex Templates.

In summary, Google DFP may be your best option here since Blox Banner Ads does not offer the same inventory management solutions.



So setting "Impressions: x; Per: y" does nothing but stop the ad for that time period once it reaches that number?

So if I have three ads and an average of 10,000 pageviews per day(just an example) and two ads each need 3,000 per day, one needs 4,000 the best way to do that is to set two ads for 30% and the other for 40% within that ad position, right? And each day do I just have to monitor the ads to make sure they're getting the impressions and adjust the percentages if one is straggling? That seems like a LOT of time spent making sure ads are delivered correctly.